Talking Trash

cj title

On July 8, 2014, the Louisville Courier-Journal ran a front-page article about how hard it is to find a drug disposal drop-off in Louisville.  No mention was made of trashing the leftover meds.  Here is the letter to the editor I sent in response on July 10, 2014.

letter to editor

Dear Courier-Journal,

Drug abuse is epidemic.  So no one should trash talk about Martha Elson’s excellent article, Drug Disposal Boosted by Boxes.  But the trash is exactly where leftover abusable drugs can go.  Ms. Elson exposed the number one suppliers of abused pills, and surprisingly, it’s not the doctors. It’s you and me. In fact, about two-thirds of all abused pills come from family and friends, often right out of unlocked medicine cabinets.  As a specialist in Pain Medicine and Addiction, I require my patients to lock up their medications and properly dispose of any leftovers.  But with so few drug drop-off boxes available, what’s a responsible person to do?

Trash them!


Yes, if you can’t get to a drop-off box, the FDA says it is acceptable to throw your old medications in the trash, provided you first “doctor them up” a bit. Simply mix the pills with kitty litter or coffee grounds.  Seal it in a leak-proof bag (like a zip-lock) and toss it in the garbage.  Easy.


The more potent the drug is, the greater the need for disposal of the unused leftovers.  The FDA has even determined that the danger from keeping unused powerful narcotics is so ominous, that flushing leftovers down the toilet is acceptable when a drop-off box is unavailable.ty d bol

The Environmental Protection Agency is OK with this policy.  And the FDA says there has been no indication of adverse environmental effects due to flushing leftover pills.

However, leftover pills do contribute to adverse societal effects.  About one-fourth of high school age youth have abused prescription drugs. Approximately three Americans die every hour of every day from a drug overdose.  More Kentuckians die from overdose than die in automobile accidents.  A very large percentage of these overdose deaths involve prescription drugs.

Ms. Elson’s timely article brought to light the progress we are making.  More and more drug drop-offs are becoming available.  We should take advantage of them when we can.  But please do not let your busy schedule, your concern for the environment, or your unfamiliarity with regulations deter you from properly disposing your unused medications.  We are battling a drug abuse epidemic.  People are dying.  Make sure you are not an unwitting supplier. You may save the life of someone you love…  And that’s not talking trash.

trash talk





Is it the singer or is it the song?

I love music.

I am not what one might call “musical.” I don’t have the pipes of a Whitney Houston (see: The Star Spangled Banner) or the soulfulness of a Bob Dylan (see: Blowing in the Wind), but I appreciate their unique virtuosity.

I am a pain care physician. Pain, like music, is a sensory and emotional experience. I don’t sing or play. I touch and treat.

Sometimes I may hit the perfect note, perform the perfect procedure, compose the perfect plan of care.

Other times, despite being well versed, my plan of care may not strike the right chord. Then creating a pleasant sensory and emotional experience depends upon the passion and conviction with which my care is conducted; my song is sung.

Is it the singer or is it the song?

Is it the caregiver or is it the care given?

Music is not only intertwined with my pain care. It is woven into every aspect of my life, including my Twitter feed.

Begging the question: Is it the tweeter or is it the tweet?

Let’s find out.

For a about a year I have been composing a Twitter message or two per day. Recently, I went back and was able to find forty tweets that were “musical” in some way. It may not be America’s top forty, but I think Casey Kasem would still have been pleased.

casey kasem b and w

There are songs from rock, country, and classical genres; from musicals, commercials, television, and the silver screen. Some are serious; some are silly. Original works, live performances, even parodies.

I now invite you to take a little journey through my musical tweets. Click on the image and the link should take you right to the performance. See if you can guess the song before you link to it. Ponder how it relates to the message. Enjoy the sensory and emotional experience. And decide for yourself…

Is it the tweeter or is it the twuuth* ?


* twuuth (definition)

  • noun\ˈtwüth\ the twuuth : the truth in a tweet



1 25 oct 13

25 October 2013  How the Ghost Stole Pain Care. Dramatic reading by Phil Ward and music composed by Megan McIver



2 21 dec 13

21 December 2013  A Winter’s Solstice



3 10 jan 2014

10 January 2014  Act Naturally



4 12 jan 2014

12 January 2014 Les Miserables



5 26 jan 14

26 January 2014 I’m Only Sleeping



6 10 feb 14

10 February 2014 The Gold and Beyond



7 12 feb 14

12 February 2014 ABC



8 12 feb 14

12 February 2014 Hearing Winter



9 17 feb 14

17 February 2014 The Way We Were



10 17 feb 14

17 February 2014 Peace of Mind



11 21 feb 14

21 February 2014 Doctor Pat



12 22 feb 14

22 February 2014 Honesty



13 2 mar 14

2 March 2014 My Bologna



14 5 mar 14

5 March 2014 Oklahoma



15 14 mar 14

14 March 2014 Hair



16 29 mar 14

29 March 2014 Stupid



17 4 apr 14

4 April 2014 Words



18 7 apr 14

7 April 2014 Oops



19 9 apr 14

9 April 2014 Call On Me



20 17 apr 14

17 April 2014 Lights Went Out



21 19 apr 14

19 April 2014 Little Wonders



22 28 apr 14

28 April 2014 Undun



23 15 may 14

15 May 2014 I’m Sorry



24 5 june 14

5 June 2014 Let It Go




5 June 2014 We Will Never Be Doctors



25 7 june 14

7 June 2014 Daniel Boone



26 10 jun 14

10 June 2014 Turn It Off



27 13 jun 14

27 June 2014 Don’t Stop Me Now



28 14 jun 14

 14 June 2014 It’s a Grand Old Flag



29 15 jun 14

15 June 2014 In the Living Years



30 16 jun 14

16 June 2014 Pressure



31 21 jun 14

21 June 2014 Sunrise



32 27 jun 14

27 June 2014 Listen



33 29 jun 14

29 June 2014 Rumor Has It



34 the letter

1 July 2014 The Letter



35 all together now

2 July 2014 All Together Now



36 dialogue

4 July 2014 Dialogue



37 danger zone

4 July 2014 Danger Zone



38 if you want it

6 July 2014 If You Want It Here It Is


And the #1 musical tweet in the land is…

39 stipe tweet

7 July 2014 Everybody Hurts



keep you feet on the ground






office M

Show up at my office on a typical Friday afternoon and the waiting room generally will be well populated. People in groups of threes, twos, and solitary ones are scattered about, flipping through magazines, glancing at wristwatches, a few even catnapping, waiting to hear their names called.

However, on this Friday everyone was assembled in one end of the room, all facing the same direction, all listening to the same thing, all sharing in the same experience.

talking to

I still don’t have an official name for the happening, but I’ve nicknamed it a “SIN” session, i.e. Strength In Numbers.  However, there’s nothing sinful about it.

Strength in Numbers is geared toward patients, is part classroom, part group therapy, and entirely beneficial to all participants – including me.

I had no trouble selecting the didactic elements. My practice is located on the border between Kentucky and Indiana – two states that have recently enacted laws and regulations for treating pain with controlled substances.


Both states’ regulations are instructive regarding educational requirements.

Kentucky’s regulations mandate:

A physician prescribing or dispensing a controlled substance shall take appropriate steps to educate a patient receiving a controlled substance.

There’s even a list of educational points to consider on the Kentucky Medical Board’s website.

Not to be outdone, Indiana’s regulations state:

The physician shall discuss with the patient the potential risks and benefits of opioid treatment for chronic pain, as well as expectations related to prescription requests and proper medication use.

Hoosier State regulations go on to list specific educational points that prescribers must cover with patients that include obtaining a patient’s informed consent.


Obviously, to obtain informed consent a patient must be informed.

Indeed, most states’ regulations require that physicians educate their patients. The Federation of State Medical Boards agrees:

The physician’s duty includes not only appropriate prescribing of opioid analgesics, but also appropriate education of patients… inadequate attention to patient education (is a clear) departure from accepted best clinical practices.       

But, aside from the learning part, there is another, less precise, less quantifiable, factor in the equation that produces strength at these Friday afternoon get-togethers.

The numbers.

A group dynamic is quite therapeutic. For some time, psychology researchers have been able to show that group therapy is a “powerful intervention.”

Groups foster a community spirit; a sense that “I’m not in this alone.”

The group offers a sounding board. Members can help each other come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge and even offer some accountability along the way.

The key therapeutic principles involved in group therapy include:

*Hope: Being with people who are coping or recovering gives hope to others who may be running short on this.

*Universality:  People see that they are not alone.

*Information: They help each other by learning and sharing a consistent message.

*Altruism: Self-esteem and confidence is boosted by sharing and helping others.

*A sense of family: The therapy group is much like a family in some ways. And because the group shares common goals, members gain a sense of belonging and acceptance.

Now, more and more, group sessions are utilized in the treatment of conditions other than purely psychological. The American Academy of Family Physicians has stated their belief that “group visits are a proven, effective method for enhancing a patient’s self-care of chronic conditions, increasing patient satisfaction, and improving outcomes.”

So, on this Friday afternoon we had a group “SIN” session. It started with a little levity and a brief informative video.

dr pat

Next, some definitions were explained, risks and alternatives were discussed along with “SMART” goals and proper stewardship of the medications. Patient responsibilities were explained. The educational points required by the Bluegrass and Hoosier States were covered. Some Q & A was encouraged throughout. It was interactive.

This was not a purely didactic session. There was eye contact and emotional contact. After all, pain is defined as a sensory and emotional experience.

And in the end, the participants didn’t just feel like a number.

And they had more strength to do battle.

As did their doctor.

On this atypical Friday afternoon.

There truly is strength in numbers.
