Happy National Family History Day

Rockwell-freedom from want

Since 2004 the Surgeon General has declared Thanksgiving to be National Family History Day.

SG and ME

Holiday family gathering are an opportune time to chat about what “runs in the family.” Knowing your family’s health history can help make future Thanksgivings possible.

Of course, more than just golden nuggets of health history are the treasures discovered in discourse with your family.  Time together is precious, fleeting, immediate and eternal. Cherish every moment this holiday.

In closing, I will share with you my all time favorite talk-with-your-loved-ones song –  “Living Years” by Mike and the Mechanics. If this doesn’t get you in the mood for a little heart to heart you are probably in a post-turkey-dinner-coma.

Happy Thanksgiving.

simpsons thanksgiving

Be a Good Samaritan

Please support “Good Samaritan 911” legislation. To some degree, we have all been touched by the tragedy of drug overdose. People – and this includes our children – are dying in epidemic numbers.

Contact your lawmakers and you may save a life.




Kentucky has the third highest drug overdose mortality rate in the United States (REF 1). The chance of surviving a drug overdose depends on how fast one receives medical assistance. Too often, witnesses to an overdose delay or fail to call 911. Research confirms that the most common reason is fear of police involvement (REF 2). Fourteen states and the District of Columbia have enacted policies (e.g. “Good Samaritan 911”) to provide limited immunity from arrest or prosecution for minor drug law violations for: (a) people who summon help at the scene of an overdose and (b) for the overdose victim.


Deaths from drug overdose have been rising steadily over the past two decades and have become the leading cause of injury death in the United States (REF 3).

Accidental overdose deaths are now the leading cause of accidental death in Kentucky. In 2010, for the first time, there were more deaths in Kentucky due to unintentional drug poisonings than motor vehicle collisions (REF 4).

Kentucky’s overdose mortality rate is third highest in U.S. (i.e. 23.6 per 100,000 people suffering drug overdose fatalities). The number of drug overdose deaths – most of which are due to prescription drugs – in Kentucky has quadrupled since 1999 when the rate was 4.9 per 100,000 (REF 5).

Many of these deaths occur because no one, not even family or friends, is willing to call 911 due to the fear of arrest. The best way to encourage overdose witnesses to seek medical help is to exempt overdose witnesses from arrest and prosecution for minor drug and alcohol law violations. This is the basis of the “Good Samaritan 911” law (REF 6).

Currently, fourteen states and the District of Columbia have passed immunity or sentence mitigation laws to encourage calls for help in the case of an overdose. It is important to note that the existence of an immunity law (e.g. “Good Samaritan 911”) does not protect people from arrest for other offenses, such as selling or trafficking drugs, or driving while intoxicated. “Good Samaritan 911” protects only the caller and overdose victim from arrest and/or prosecution for simple drug possession, possession of paraphernalia, and/or being under the influence. “Good Samaritan” laws can encourage bystanders to summon medical assistance by mitigating negative legal outcomes (REF 7, REF 8).

Multiple studies show that most deaths occur one to three hours after the victim has initially ingested or injected drugs. The time that elapses before an overdose becomes a fatality presents a vital opportunity to intervene and seek medical help (REF 8). The chance of surviving an overdose depends greatly on how fast one receives medical assistance. “Good Samaritan 911” can save lives by allowing timely emergency care for overdose victims – i.e. advanced cardiac life support and reversal of drug effects by antidote.

“Good Samaritan 911” has few negative effects, can be implemented at little or no cost, and has the potential to save both lives and resources (REF 9).


Legislature should pass a law (e.g. “Good Samaritan 911”) providing – for an overdose victim and the person requesting medical assistance – immunity from arrest and/or prosecution for simple drug possession, possession of paraphernalia, and/or being under the influence.

James Patrick Murphy, MD, MMM
November 26, 2013

Finally, in preparation for this post I took this picture.

phone 911

It was about 11:30 pm on a Sunday night. Hoping to make it look authentic I punched in 9 – 1 – 1 but did not hit “SEND.”  Well, the phone outsmarted me (not hard to do) and an operator answered right away. I apologized and said it was a mistake. She said, “OK” and hung up.  Then, to my surprise, there was a knock on my front door ten minutes later. Outside were two of Louisville’s finest.

“We were alerted of a 9-1-1 hang-up at this address. Is everything OK?”

I apologized again and thanked them profusely.

As I closed the door it occurred to me that had this been a “Good Samaritan 911” call a life could have been saved by their rapid response. Further evidence that…

This law will work. It will save lives.  Let’s get it done.

Please Contact your lawmakers today and ask them to support “Good Samaritan 911” legislation.

This post is dedicated to John. Your courage and love for your son inspires me.

handcuffs good samaritan

the algiatrist

karen neck

a private place

study her face

fix on his eyes

feel her sinew

give an embrace




numb a raw nerve


pain creation


to interlope

to offer hope

through some relief

tiny solace

enough to cope


by james patrick murphy


On November 21, 2013 I felt useful.

James Patrick Murphy, MD


Doctors of the Roundtable

The Knights of the Round Table in Merlin season 5[3]

On Friday, November 15th Senator Rand Paul hosted a physician “roundtable” at Floyd’s Fork Park in Louisville. While he did invite us to attend the fundraiser to follow, he made it clear that our attendance was neither expected nor was our checkbook necessary. The media was not invited to the roundtable. I was never asked about my political affiliation or leanings.  Mine was the seat just to his right.

Not including Dr. Paul, there were seventeen physicians assembled. We expressed frustration with underfunding of procedures, rationing of healthcare, electronic medical records flooded with useless data solely for the sake of bureaucratic compliance, the burden of multi-layered government regulations, being “forced” to become hospital employees to survive, and physician depression with this whole mess.

Senator Paul was focused and engaged – and not short on opinion. He spent about one-half of the time talking and one-half listening.  Here is a summary of my take on Dr. Paul’s positions:

  1. Due to the swell in population of older Americans, our current system (i.e. Medicare and Social Security) will not be able to deliver the promised benefits.  People with “means” will have to pay more, and the qualifying age will have to be increased.
  2. The Affordable Care Act is 2000 pages of law that unfortunately became 20,000 pages of regulations.
  3. The recent cancellations of health insurance plans are not directly due to the Affordable Care Act; rather they are due to bureaucratic interpretation of the law.
  4. We cannot have a “one size fits all” health care system. There should be a tiered system allowing the option of paying less for less.
  5. The consumer must have a role in controlling health care costs.
  6. Health savings accounts encourage people to ask, “How much does this cost?”
  7. All seniors should be allowed to enroll in the same health care plan that is offered to government employees.
  8. Medicolegal tort reform on a national level will never happen. It has to happen at the state level.

Near the end of the hour-long discussion I had an opportunity to contribute to the discourse and spoke directly to the Senator:

First, I want to thank you for having this roundtable. We know you have tremendous demands on your time. Being here tonight to meet with your colleagues is both gracious and generous.  As a senator, we know you deal with a range of important issues. As a physician you offer a unique and expert perspective.

What is obvious from tonight’s discussion is that your colleagues share passion for providing care and a deep concern – if not outright fear – that medicine is rapidly becoming so automated, so regulated, and so litigated that caring for individuals will be soon be irreversibly sacrificed in favor of managing populations. As a result, talented, dedicated, and independent thinkers will shun medicine, leaving behind a failed health care delivery system, devoid of innovation, imagination, and heart.

I polled my colleagues, asking them what one thing they would tell you and what one question they would ask.  The top three messages for you are: 

1. Republicans should stop trying to defund the Affordable Care Act and instead come up with solutions.

2. Don’t give up on tort reform.

3. Get us out from under the crushing burden of government regulations.

The most common question for you is: What can WE do? 

The senator’s answer was one I have heard before: “Get involved.”

Regardless of your personal ideological leaning, no one can dispute that Dr. Paul is involved.

And on this night Dr. Paul involved us.

Depressed? Not me.

Motivated? You bet.

Sometimes a little from a lot means more than a lot from a few, so…

Contact your elected officials.

See how you can work with the American Medical Association.

Check in with the Kentucky Medical Association.

Hoosiers should explore the Indiana State Medical Association activity.

The Greater Louisville Medical Society is a great place to get involved.

Still need motivation? Watch this video.

pat and silvie

To paraphrase my comments at the Kentucky Medical Association this past September…

The strength that comes as a product of our shared core values is the greatest safeguard for the health and well being of our neighbors and loved ones.

No one can change that or take that from us.

We care.

We put patients first.

We cherish and deserve their trust.

And trust is the foundation of our strength.

Yours in earnest,

Sir Pat

Addendum:  Dr. Paul left the roundtable with more than just our thoughts…

He accepted the Excalibur of writing utensils… mightier than the sword.

pen excalibur

An Opportunity For Dialogue with Senator Paul

flag 2

Dear Friends,

I get to participate in a small group physician roundtable with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul today at 4:30 pm EST.

If you had one thing to tell Senator Paul, what would it be?

If you had one thing to ask him, what would it be?

Please leave me your thoughts in the “Comments” section of the blog post.

Let’s listen and be heard.



The Painful Truth


Favorites From My First 100 Tweets

Dr M speaking

The Greater Louisville Medical Society’s “Presidents’ Celebration” ended with…

Follow me this year on TWITTER. If you don’t know, ask any teenager and they’ll walk you through it.”


Chinandega 2008 op smile  copy

Here are some favorites from my first 100 tweets…



James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd 11 Nov Veterans Day With J.P. Murphy http://wp.me/p3C62j-2d 


James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd6 Nov There’s drama at the eVoice: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs105/1101098564175/archive/1115456070833.html … & Indiana opioid rules drama on my blog The Painful Truth: https://jamespmurphymd.wordpress.com 

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd5 Nov Did you hear that sound? http://wp.me/p3C62j-24 

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd4 Nov Confluential Truth http://wp.me/p3C62j-1Z 

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd4 Nov My blog has a summary of 31 posts with links re: #substance #abuse #prevention #addiction & #pain: The Painful Truth https://jamespmurphymd.wordpress.com 



James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd31 Oct Dear fiends… I mean FRIENDS, http://wp.me/p3C62j-1J 


James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd22 Oct I got the first word… http://wp.me/p3C62j-1x 

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd20 Oct #NSAPM Day 20: Joe Elliott and I talked addiction, prevention, treatment and pain management on his radio show: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2PLAYRyZSJjYVRVSGxUVHJxbkk/edit?usp=sharing …

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd17 Oct #NationalSubstanceAbusePreventionMonth Day 17: Don’t let KASPER spook you! (Louisville Medicine, page 20) https://www.glms.org/Content/User/Documents/Louisville%20Medicine/LM%202012/GLMS%20Mag%20Jan%202012.pdf …

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd16 Oct Day 16 #NSAPM: Why does the pain doc make you pee in a cup? It may be random, but that’s how I roll http://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/treatments/pharmacological/opioids/tumblin-dice-why-does-random-matter?page=0,1 …

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd15 Oct Day 15 of #NationalSubstanceAbusePreventionMonth: Dr. Murphy talks pain and addiction with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on KET: http://www.ket.org/cgi-bin/cheetah/watch_video.pl?nola=KKHEA%20000902&altdir=&template= …

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd10 Oct #NSAPM Day 10 How can you avoid being addicted to your pain meds? It helps if your doctor can juggle. I try it at: http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20120604/NEWS01/107100009 …


courthouse corydon

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd7 Oct #NSAPM Day 7: “An Open Letter to the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana” Primum Non Nocere, i.e. “First Do No Harm” https://jamespmurphymd.wordpress.com 


James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd27 Sep Read about my big adventure @ the Indiana Medical Board on Wednesday. Learn how you can help preserve pain care. https://jamespmurphymd.wordpress.com 

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd11 Sep No mission, no margin? Check out my eVoice in the September issue of Louisville Medicine September to find out. http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs105/1101098564175/archive/1114772031297.html …

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd1 Aug My August eVoice in Louisville Medicine is about the physicians’ return on investment- It’s not what you think http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs105/1101098564175/archive/1114344399884.html …

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd11 Jul “I cannot keep from wondering what time will do, and I wonder how far away from yourself you will go.” July’s eVoice! http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs105/1101098564175/archive/1113925726984.html …


bleed red

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd16 Jun Thanks Mike Rutherford for giving Louisville Medicine a spotlight. The Card Chronicle blog is witty & well written http://www.cardchronicle.com/2013/6/11/4420106/tuesday-evening-cardinal-news-and-notes …


pat and silvie

James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd9 Jun watch me get heckled 🙂 it’s a call to take charge of our future! please share it with your friends! http://vimeo.com/67679697 


James P Murphy MD ‏@jamespmurphymd24 May“…pay attention when your loved ones are speaking, as if it were the last time you might hear them.” Mitch Albom, “Tuesdays with Morrie”


rear view

Thanks for coming… and going…

Veterans Day With J.P. Murphy


“We would like to honor any veterans by allowing them to disembark first.”

Getting off the boat ahead of the disabled, elderly, and parents-with-small-children felt awkward. But it was Veterans Day. And I had raised my hand when the guide asked if there were any veterans on board.

Exiting, I received nods, smiles, and a few “Thank you for your service” expressions of gratitude.

Back in 1988 I spent only a few hours in Hawaii, dispatched as a Flight Surgeon from the USS Enterprise. But this time, attending the 2012 AMA meeting in Honolulu, I was a tourist.


As I walked along the USS Arizona memorial  – a solemn white barge straddling the sunken warship – I continued to feel glancing stares, looks of admiration, and nods of gracious appreciation.


Eventually I found a large marble wall upon which was inscribed the names of the men whose remains were still entombed in the decaying vessel, still leaking fuel known as “black tears.”

the wall

I suddenly began to feel the weight of sadness and wanted to find a way to express my feelings… someone I could thank.

Then I saw my name on the wall.


J.P. Murphy died on that ship, in that attack on December 7, 1941, in the line of duty, in service to my country, to preserve my freedom, my way of life, my hope, my future, my children’s future. His remains are entombed in the silent hulk of metal decaying in the harbor just a measure beneath where I stood.

My words could not transit the clear water between my namesake and me. But I did leave a salty tear on the marble floor in front of the wall that bares the name he and I share.

As a physician I have treated many veterans – while on active duty, during medical school, on rotations at the VA hospital, and as a pain specialist in private practice. Whenever I remember to thank a veteran for his or her service, they usually appear a bit uncomfortable with the personal accolades. Most will segue to a story about someone they knew who gave more.

I hope this Veterans Day will inspire you to thank every veteran. When you do, notice that most will shy away, knowing there are many names on many walls for many heroes like J.P. Murphy who gave more, gave all.

–  J.P. Murphy

November 11, 2013

Did you hear that sound?


On October 14, 2013 a regulatory tree fell in the woods.

Did you hear it?

The “tree” was Indiana’s emergency rule regarding opioids for chronic pain.

The tree will sound again on December 15, 2013 when it actually goes into effect.

In the meantime, I urge all physicians who practice in the Hoosier State to take a look at the document available at:


Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller is taking an active role. Here’s his very informative website:


Indiana’s “First Do No Harm” prescriber took kit (more like a textbook) is very good, up to date, and available for download at:


And a fine summary poster is available at:


The Indiana State Medical Association has had a role in this process as well.


And the Greater Louisville Medical Society plans on offering educational seminars in Southern Indiana.

I am currently in the process of digesting these new regulations and will soon publish an opinion on what they mean for physicians and patients.  My first recommendation is to look at that summary poster.

Trees are falling.


James Patrick Murphy, MD, MMM attended medical school at the University of Louisville, interned in Psychiatry at the San Diego Naval Hospital, studied at the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, and later served as a Naval Flight Surgeon onboard the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Enterprise.  He returned to Louisville in 1989 for residency training in Anesthesiology after which he completed a Pain Medicine Fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Dr. Murphy is Kentucky’s first physician to achieve combined board-certification in Pain Management and certification in Addiction Medicine. Dr. Murphy is President of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, Medical Director of Murphy Pain Center, Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Louisville School of Medicine, and serves on the board of the International Association for Pain and Chemical Dependency. In May 2013 Dr. Murphy earned a Master of Medical Management degree from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business.

Confluential Truth


This communication is about communication.

Deep in the unconscious brain, chemical reactions coalesce. Impulses emerge. Enriched by neurotransmitters, modified by emotions, filtered through imagery, clothed in language and prepped for action by the cerebral cortex, a subset of impulses reaches critical mass and becomes a pure true thought.

Then, a tiny measure of thoughts is communicated. And, as Hamlet would say, “Aye, there’s the rub, ” because it is impossible to convey a message and be certain the recipient fully understands its true meaning.

Speak, write, sing, glare, smile, text, email, blog, touch, clap, scream, kiss –or communicate in any of another million ways – and the message hovers in space out of your control, waiting to be received by another person. Then it is absorbed, digested, filtered, modified and used as an elemental building block for the recipient’s unique perception of its meaning.

Imagine your message as a sphere with the purest and most intense truth radiating from its center. The recipient interprets your message and develops his or her own truth-sphere. Like the overlap in a Venn diagram, the effectiveness of communication is defined by the degree to which these unique spheres share the same truth. This overlap is the confluential truth.

Through effective communication, confluential truth proliferates and human connectedness occurs – like water molecules becoming rain. As more spheres overlap they form rivers of confluential truth. And when even more people get on board, the rivers fill oceans of immense power.

But with so many potential modes of communication where does one begin?

Simon says, “Start with ‘why.’”

In his 2009 book Start With Why – and later offered in a TED Talk (http://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action.html) – Simon Sinek conceptualizes effective communication as a “golden circle” with three concentric rings. The outer ring is “what,” the middle ring is “how” and the center ring is “why” (i.e. the purpose, the cause, the core belief).  Sinek contends that everyone knows what they do; that some know how they do it; but very few people know why they do what they do. Sinek’s take home message is that inspirational people communicate from the inside out; they convey what they believe. Dr. King, for example, said, “I have a dream,” not “I have a plan.”

In addition to Sinek’s concept, there are three important T’s to consider when sending a message: tone, timing and truth. The message has to be delivered in a tone that is appropriate for the setting and the personality of the recipient. Too harsh or too meek, and the information is cast into limbo. The tree falls but does not make a sound.

Timing is crucial as well. If the message goes on too long, is too brief or is delivered when the recipient is not physically or emotionally receptive, the potential for misinterpretation increases.

The requisite third T should be evident by now. Once, while prepping for a deposition, I asked my attorney how I should answer questions. He recommended telling the truth “because it is easier to remember the truth.” Unless there is truth in the message, there is no chance for effective communication.

All three T’s came together for me last week. As I briskly walked the noisy corridors of a local mall on a busy Saturday afternoon, up ahead I noticed a young person in a motorized wheelchair with her family. As she got closer and eventually passed me I recognized her as the teenage version of a little girl who had beaten a horrific infection with the help of numerous health care providers, including me. She cheated death but at the cost of three limbs. It had been years since I had seen her, and although my role in her care was peripheral by comparison, her strength, courage and positive attitude have always inspired me.

In the cacophony of that noisy mall time stood still as our eyes met. I told her who I was and how inspiring she is to me. She smiled and we hugged.

That was a moment of confluential truth.

Every day we are presented innumerable opportunities to communicate. Never take for granted this precious gift. Tone, timing and truth are all important, but truth is the foundation. The process by which an individual’s unconscious truth becomes conscious thought and can then be communicated effectively to another is among our most important functions as a species and perhaps our greatest attribute as well.

I need a hug.


Note: This was my President’s eVoice from The Greater Louisville Medical Society’s October 2013 “Louisville Medicine.”


Recapping National Substance Abuse Prevention Month 2013


October 2013 was National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. For thirty-one consecutive days I Tweeted on the subject of substance abuse prevention. Various topics were explored. By doing this I not only learned a great deal about the issues, but also learned there are many people passionate about changing the tide of this epidemic. I am more hopeful than ever.

Here is a recap of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month 2013:


National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 1

Since October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month I am going to message every day this month on TWITTER (@jamespmurphymd). I am inviting you to “follow” me on TWITTER and pass it on to friends and anyone whose life is touched by the plague of substance abuse (i.e. pretty much all of us). Together we can be the change.



Here’s a goal for DAY 2 of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month…

Check your VITAL SIGNS. Below is a link to our GLMS publications (all are worthy) but Vital Signs Issue 3 – 2012 “Pain Treatment and Prescription Drug Abuse in Kentucky” is particularly timely this month.



It’s DAY 3 of National Substance Abuse Prevention Month.

Surprised to learn that more than 70 percent of people who abuse pain meds get them from friends or family? YOU can make a difference by LOCKING your meds and DISPOSING of the leftovers properly. Here’s how…



It’s day FOUR of National Substance Abuse Awareness Month.

THE HEALING PLACE benefit concert with jazzy Sarah Stivers is TONIGHT at Kentucky Country Day’s Performing Arts Center. Chill out and support Louisville’s Healing Place – the most successful addiction recovery program in the USA. Help restore lives!



It’s National Substance Abuse Prevention Month DAY 5.

Teens & young adults are most vulnerable to addiction. It’s a brain thing. Learn why. Take action. Is there someone in your life who needs to hear from you?



Day 6 of National Substance Abuse Awareness Month

“Requiem For A Dream,” is possibly THE most powerful movie EVER about the downward spiral of drug addiction. The trailer alone will give you chills.



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 7

An Open Letter to the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 8

“The mission is definitely not accomplished” (see last paragraph). But there is progress. Together we can overcome this foe. Thanks to Laura Ungar and the Courier-Journal for shining a light on the tragedy and the hope:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 9

Prescription drugs are now the most commonly abused drugs among 12 to 13 year olds! Parents, today is a great day to take action. Safeguard your medications & TAKE THE PLEDGE at:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 10

How can your doctor help you avoid being addicted to your pain medications? It helps if your doctor knows how to juggle. I explain here:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 11

Do you know what addiction really is?  A brain disorder? Bad behavior? A disease? Nora Volkow, MD, our nation’s chief #addiction researcher explains. Thank you HBO for a great webpage:



Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 12

It’s time for one of Marlyce’s cupcakes. Here’s a sweet story about turning tragedy into triumph!



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 13

What can Gollum teach us about the disease of addiction and, more importantly, the treatment?



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 14

“Clean” by David Sheff is an important book that’s easy to read – hard to stomach – impossible to ignore. Hear the author’s moving NPR interview:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 15

Dr. Murphy talks pain and addiction with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on KET:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 16

Why does the pain doc make you pee in a cup? It may be random, but that’s how I roll…



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 17

Don’t let KASPER spook you! (Louisville Medicine, page 20). Read about Kentucky’s powerful weapon in the battle to prevent substance abuse.



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 18

October also means Halloween. Is this poem a trick or a treat? You decide. (This could be my favorite post of all time!) “How the Ghost Stole Pain Care”.


National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 19

Heroin is on the rise. Substance abuse will never stop unless we get serious about treating addiction as the disease that it is. Thanks to WDRB for spotlighting this issue.



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 20

Joe Elliott and I talked addiction, prevention, treatment and pain management on his radio show:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 21

Get rid of prescription drugs and heroin use skyrockets. Stop heroin use and what takes its place? In Russia it was Krokodil. This drug is cheaper, more potent, and more deadly than heroin and is coming to a town near you! Unless… Please do something to prevent substance abuse today. A drug has never killed anyone. The disease of ADDICTION kills. Warning, viewing this link is not for the meek:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 22

With only two pain specialists per 100,000 veterans & with the majority of new VA patients needing pain care, the system is going to be even more overloaded. There are too many overdoses already! Our veterans deserve better.



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 23

In the majority of states drug overdoses kill more people than auto accidents, but this legendary NASCAR driver may have died as a result of not having enough pain medication.



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 24

Molly,” the adulterated-hit-or-miss-knock-off “Ecstasy” (MDMA), is dangerous, causes seizures and deaths – your body and brain burn from the inside out!   Antidepressants, migraine meds, pain meds, seizure meds – and numerous other drugs that increase SEROTONIN – DON’T MIX WITH MOLLY. Halloween is coming & parties are happening.  Please don’t invite Molly. It’s better to dress up like a ghost than to become one.





National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 25

Tomorrow you can turn in your leftover meds. It’s National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.  This is a great way to do something positive for your community, your loved ones and yourself. Most abused prescription drugs don’t come from doctors, pharmacies, or “the street.” They come from family, friends and acquaintances. Just go to the link below and put in your zip code to find a take-back location near you.  What’s in your cabinet?



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 26

Lots of #Halloween parties tonight! Have fun and be safe. NO drinking & driving.  These #zombies know what I mean…



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 27 Buprenorphine can effectively treat opioid addiction. Learn about it here:


Find a doctor here:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 28

One-fourth of U.S. students have intentionally abused a common household product to get high by the time they reach the eighth grade http://www.inhalant.org. “Huffing” and can kill your child instantly. Every parent needs to watch this:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 29

The most dangerous drugs? The answer may surprise you


So if availability = danger, then do we really want to legalize recreational marijuana?



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 30

Do we have to worry about our kids’ Halloween candy being tainted? Apparently not too much, but there are still some things parents should do before the little ones take a bite:



National Substance Abuse Prevention Month Day 31

Overdose is now the leading cause of injury death in the USA. Read that statement again… and resolve to save lives. Call your legislators: http://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml & support “Good Samaritan 911” laws:

